The MSCA-PF 2023 call is already open, with a deadline on 13 September. The MSCA-PF scheme provides several opportunities for postdocs for a research fellowship in another country or when still within the mobility rule options to stay at Amsterdam UMC (location AMC or VUmc). The goal of the MSCA-PF is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers through international and intersectoral mobility.
Every year Research Grant Support (RGS) organizes a digital two-part workshop specifically designed for applicants of this year’s MSCA postdoctoral fellowship. Also this year the participants received information from Silvia Calpe (RGS, experienced MSCA-PF reviewer) on the MSCA-PF opportunities, tips and tricks on writing a successful application, lessons learned from previous years and options for support in preparing their application. Jillian Bracht, MSCA-PF laureate from two years ago and member of the Postdoc Network Board, also joined to give some tips and tricks to the applicants.
If you are interested in more information or want to discuss whether you could apply for a MSCA-PF with Amsterdam UMC as hosting institution, please contact Research Grant Support (RGS) at Incoming applicants will receive support in the forms of toolkits, walk-in sessions and reviews of proposals.